About Lesson
Lemon scented gum
- Scientific name: Eucalyptus citriodora Hook.and Eucalyptus globulus var. globules
a. Environment:
- Tropical and subtropical climate.
- High winds injure the plant.
- Drought tolerance plant.
b. Cultivation:
- Preparation of Land:- 1-2 deep ploughings, 1-harrowing and proper leveling drainage.
- Preparation of pit:- 1m x1m x 1m.
- Transplanting: June – July – August after one month of sowing
- Sowing Season :- April – May in nursery bed.
- One month old seedlings with 2 to 4 pairs of leaves or about 20 – 30cm tall seedlings planted in the field or in pits.
- Spacing :- 120 x 90cm (Tall),45 x 30cm (Dwarf)
c. Management:
- Manures and Fertilizers:- 10 – 15 tons of FYM or compost / ha. NPK – 40:25:25kg / ha / year.
- Interculture:- Earthing up, weeding and hoeing is essential.
- Irrigation:- 8 – 10 irrigations.1 – 2 irrigation at early season.
d. Pruning:
- The terminal branches are cut to induce the plants to produce more lateral branches.
- First coppicing – 30 to 45cm above ground in 6 to 8 months old plants.
- 2nd coppicing – 4 to 5 months after 1st coppicing
- 3rd coppicing -80cm to 1m above the ground. Usually, coppicing is done in April and Oct.- November.
e. Harvesting:
- The leaves and terminal branch lets should be cut down.
- 3 harvests i.e. March, July and November can be taken per year.
- Yield:- From 3rd year onwards up to 10th years-30 – 40 tones of green herbs / h.
- The fresh herbs yield 0.75 to 2.0% of oil. The oil yield about 100 – 150kg/h
f. Chemical evaluation:
- The main constituent of the oil is ‘Citronella’ (80 -90%).
- Other chemicals, Geraniol, Cineole, Pinene, Sesquiterpene, Isopulegol, citronellol, citriodorol, guaiol.
- Actions:- Antiseptic, antiviral, bactericidal,deodorant, expectorant, fungicidal, insecticidal.
g. Uses:
- The oil is used as a fragrance component in soaps detergents and perfumes
- Also used in room sprays and insect repellents.
- The oil is used in asthma; laryngitis, sore throat, colds, fevers and skin diseases.
- Construction purposes,
- The dry wood is also suitable for paper pulp industry and fuel.