Course Content
Meaning of horticulture, its branches and its relation with other disciplines
Riverbed farming
Learn Introductory Horticulture with Rahul
About Lesson

Principles of organic farming

  • Maintaining a living soil
  • Making available the essential nutrients
  • Organic mulching for soil conservation
  • Attaining a suitable high yield


Components of organic farming

  • Enrichment of soil with organic matter
  • Cropping systems
  • Bio fertilizers
  • Weed management


Importance of organic horticulture

  • Organic manure improves the structure of soil by combining its fine particles into granular from, thereby helping better root respiration and growth
  • It improves the water holding capacity of soils, which is particularly necessary in rainfed tracts that reduces the cost of irrigation
  • It acts as buffer for the plants grown in considerably acidic or alkaline soils, thus providing a better growing condition
  • Some organic materials have the property of acting as pesticide (neem cake) It provides both macro and micro nutrients to the plants in right quantity and proportion for a prolong period
  • Organic manure also supplies some growth promoting substances to plants necessary for healthy growth and improved physiological functioning of plants
  • It provides a good living and working conditions to the micro organism present in the root zone, and thus improves the rate of their multiplication and growth, thereby striking a balance between the harmful and helpful organisms (a condition that keeps down the incidence of soil born diseases)
  • Use of different plant extracts (garlic, chilli, turmeric, tulsi etc) in proportion can prevent, reduce or check the pests and diseases incidences • Pest management