Learn Environmental Pollution and Protection with Rahul
About Lesson

Advantages to IPM

  • Decreased use of chemical application will reduce risks to the health of staff members.
  • Decreased use of chemical application will reduce the risk of deterioration and disfigurement of holdings.
  • Decreased use of chemical application may result in a financial savings.
  • The environmental improvements made to the facility to implement an IPM program will enhance the long-term stability of the holdings over and above protection against pests.
  • IPM may be the only solution to some long-term pest problems where chemical application has not worked.
  • IPM ultimately allows the institution to have greater control over and knowledge of pest activity in their facility.
  • Low risk of environmental pollution and health hazards.
  • Conservation and effective use of natural enemies of the pests.
  • Eco-friendly and as a sustainable long term solution to pest management.
  • No Phytotoxicity, young seedlings and premature abortion of flowers and fruits.
  • Planning in advance and timely management of pests of economic importance.
  • Creation of environment of selective pesticide and method to reduce pesticide application.


Disadvantages to IPM

  • IPM will require more staff, time than traditional pest management, even if implementation is contracted to a pest management company.
  • IPM will require the coordinated effort of all staff members to properly implement.
  • IPM may initially be more expensive than traditional pest management.
  • Many farmers lack basic knowledge on the pests, their ecology and biology.
  • Problem in the transfer of technology because of farmer’s illiteracy.
  • IPM efforts are nullified by chemicals control practices.