Factors that contribute to quality monitoring
a. Knowledge of likely pests/beneficial and their life cycle: As well as visual identification, you need to know where on the plant to look and what is the best time of the day to get a representative sample.
b. Monitoring frequency and pest focus: It should be directed at crop stages likely to incur economic damage. Critical stages may include seedling emergence and flowering/grain formation.
c. Sampling Technique: It is important to ensure a representative portion of the crop has been monitored since pest activity is often patchy. Having defined sampling parameters (e.g. number of samples per paddock and number of leaves per sample) helps sampling consistency. Random sampling aims to give a good overall picture of what is happening in the field, but any obvious hot-spots should also be investigated.
d. Keeping Good records:
Accurately recording the results of sampling is critical for good decision making and being able to review the success of control measures.
Monitoring record sheet should show the following:
- Numbers and types of insects found (including details of adults and immature stages)
- Size of insects-this is particularly important for larvae
- Date and time
- Crop stage and any other relevant information (row spacing, weather conditions and general crop observations.)
Consider putting the data collected into a visual form that enables you to see trends in pest numbers and plant condition over time. Being able to see whether an insect population is increasing, static or decreasing can be useful in deciding whether an insecticide treatment may be required and if a treatment has been effective. If you have trouble identifying damage or insects present, keep samples or take photographs for later reference.
Records of spray operation should include
- Date and time of the day.
- Environmental Conditions
- Product used (including any additives)
- Amount of product and volume applied per hectare
- Method of application including nozzle types and spray pressure
- Any other relevant details