Course Content
Cultivation practices of Apricot( Prunus armeniaca)
Cultivation practices of Kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa)
Learn Fruit and Plantation Crop Production with Rahul
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a) Anthracnose

  • Caused by fungus colletrotrichum spp
  • Twig die back
  • Brown blight of leaves
  • Stalk rot of berries and leaves


  • Prune badly affected plants in February- March.
  • Protect the plants by spraying 0.5% Bordeaux mixture
  • spraying of Bavistin 50 W.P. (carbendazim) @ 0.03% at a.i. (120g/200 litres of water).


b) Rust

  • Caused by fungus Hamielia spp
  • Small, pale yellow spots on upper leaf surfaces
  • followed by powdery orange-yellow lesions on the undersides of leaves;
  • symptoms commonly develop on lower leaves of plant first and then spread; infected leaves drop from the plant and twigs and branches become defoliate


1.Copper-containing fungicides

2.Systemic fungicides

3.Planting spore traps.

4.Bacteria such as Bacillus and Pseudomonas

5.White halo fungus, Lecanicillium lecanii, has been suggested as a potential biological control agent of coffee rust .


c) Berry blotch

  • Cercospora coffeicola
  • Dark brown, irregular, slightly sunken necrotic spots on the upper exposed surface of the green berries.
  • Necrotic spots enlarge in size and cover a major portion of berry surface.
  • Skin of the affected berries show a purple halo around the necrotic spots.
  • Affected tissue turns brown to black, shrivels, dries up and sticks fast to the parchment.
  • Maintain good overhead shade to avoid sun scorching of berries.
  • Spray the crop with 1.0% Bordeaux mixture when the incidence is noticed.


d) Wilt disease

  • Caused by Gibberella and
  • Attack the root first and consequently causes wilting and drying of leaves.
  • At later phase branches and plant wilts



1.Spray 1 % Bordeaux mixture

2.Use jholmol

3.Use lime in case of acidic soil

4.Use of trichoderma.