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Meaning of horticulture, its branches and its relation with other disciplines
Riverbed farming
Learn Introductory Horticulture with Rahul
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  • It is a chemical substance which is manufactured artificially
  • Fertilizer is rich source of nutrient and applied in crop production to supply a particular nutrient which soil is deficient


Categorization of fertilizer

  1. Straight/Simple fertilizer
  • It contains only one major nutrient. Example: urea, single super phosphate


  1. Complex/Compound fertilizer
  • It contain at least two major nutrients. Example DAP
  • If it contains two major nutrients it is called binary fertilizer. Example: Potassium nitrate
  • If it contains three major nutrients it is called ternary


  1. Mixed fertilizer
  • It consist of mixing of single/straight fertilizer so as to supply more than one nutrient at a time


  1. Complete fertilizer
  • It contains all three major nutrients, N,P and K


  1. Incomplete fertilizer
  • it contains one or two major nutrients only


  1. Low analysis fertilizer
  • Fertilizer contains less than 25 % of primary nutrients.


Example: ammonium sulphate, single super phosphate


  1. High analysis fertilizer
  • The nutrient content in such fertilizer is more than 25 % . Example: urea, murate of potash nutrients. Example: Ammonium potassium phosphate


Types of fertilizers

  • Nitrogenous fertilizers
  • Phosphatic fertilizers
  • Potassic fertilizers
  • Micro nutrients (Fe, B, Mn, Zn, Cu, Mo)