About Lesson
Aloe vera
- Also known as Burn-Plant.
a. Environment
- grow in hot humid and high rainfall
- Well drained soil with high organic matter, is most suitable.
- It grows well in bright sun light. Shady conditions results in disease infestation.
- Highly sensitive to water stagnation.
- Grow in sandy soils.
b. Land Preparation
- About 2-3 ploughing
- Make the soil weed free and friable.
- Land leveling is then followed.
- Along the slope, 15-20 ft. apart drainage are made.
c. Application of Plant Nutrients
- Before land preparation, about 8-10 tonnes FYM/ ha is applied.
- Before the last ploughing, 35 kg N, 70 kg P2 O5, and 70 kg K2O/ha are added.
- For controlling termites problem, 350-400 kg Neem Cake / ha may be applied.
- In September – October about 35-40 kg N as top dressing may be applied. If the soil is rich in organic matter, N dose can be reduced.
d. Irrigation and Interculture
- After 40 days or so weeding and earthing up are done.
- Earthing up is also practiced after top dressing of fertilizer.
- Aloe vera is slightly tolerant to drought, but very sensitive to water stagnation.
- Therefore, proper drainage is more important than irrigation.
- As per need light irrigation during drought is enough.
e. Harvest
- Harvesting of leaves starts after 7-8 months of planting.
- Typically, the outermost 3–4 leaves are harvested by pulling each leaf away from the plant stalk and cutting at the base.
- If harvesting is done once in a year, October – November are the best period for harvesting.
- Second year gives maximum yield and for about 4-5 years good yield could be harvested.
- After harvesting leaves are dried in shade and then in sun before storages.
f. Chemical evaluation:
- The principal constituent is ‘Aloin’.
- Other chemical constituents are Aloesin, Aloesone, Barbaloin, Aloe-emodin, Aloetic acid, Homonataloin, choline.
- Vitamins includes A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E.
g. Uses of Aloe vera
- As a tropical treatment for burns, wounds.
- Orally as a laxative.
- Hot water extracts from the leaves is taken orally to both alleviate painful mensuration and reduce abortion.
- Taken orally to treat inflammation and pain.
- Prevents high blood pressure, cancer and diabetes.
- Anti-obesity preparation, as a moisturizers and as cathartic blood purifier.
- Used in arthritis, muscle stiffness, chloasma, perspiration, ulcers, and hyperacidity
- As anti-oxidant and cancer preventing activity.