About Lesson
- Scientific name: Matricaria recutica or Matricaria chamomilla
a. Environment:
- prefers mild cool climate.
- Dry and warm weather during flowering.
- A heavy and moist soil, rich in organic matter is preferred.
- Soil PH 4.5 -7.5.
- Clayey is not suitable
b. Cultivation:
- Well prepared ploughed and leveled land is required. Moist land is preferably suitable.
- In nursery bed, around 1kg of seeds/ha is sufficient.
- The seeds of chamomile are very small, so 1 part of seed , 1⁄2 part of sand and 1⁄2 part of ash should be mixed thoroughly.
- Seedlings of 8-12cm long with 4-6 leaves are ready for transplanting.
- In plains- 3rd week of Sept – Oct. and in Hills – second week of Nov – December.
- Spacing:- 30X30cm or 45x45cm or 45x30cm.or 50 x 60 or 60 x 20 cm.
c. Management:
- 25 – 30 tons of FYM or compost/ha.
- A 60:50:50 kg of NPK/ha. Application of N-fertilizer in two equal split doses- (1) at the time of transplanting and (2) One month after the first split dose.
- 2-3 weeding cum hoeing. The ash of (maize dry leaves or cobs) or scentless soap solution should be applied.
- No insecticides should be sprayed.
- 5-7 irrigations.
d. Harvesting:
- Flowers are to be harvested at full bloom stage.
- Flowers are dried carefully under shade at 20-24 0C or in drying rooms at a temperature up to 400C.
- Yield:- 12 – 14q. Of dried flowers/ha.
e. Chemical evaluation:
- The principal constituents are chamazulene Farnescene, Alpha-Bisabolol oxide B&C. Sequiterpenes, Apigenin, Luteolin, Quercertin, Anthemic acid & Amino & Fatty acids.
- Actions: Anti-inflammatory, Anti-allergenic, Anti-spasmodic, Febrifuge, Hepatic, Nerve Sedative, Leucocyte production, Stomachic, Sudorific and Vulnerary.
f. Uses:
- The oil is extensively used in pharmaceutical, antiseptic, ointments and in carminative, antispasmodic and tonic preparations.
- Extensively used in cosmetics, soaps, detergents, high-class perfumes and hair and bath products.
- Used as a flavor ingredient in most food categories, including alcoholic and soft drinks.
- The oil is used in dyspepsia, diarrhea, asthma, allergic skin, Pharyngitis and intestinal disorders (gastric, colic, enteralgia).