About Lesson
- Scientific name: Cymbopogon winterianus
a. Environment:
- Hot and humid climate is preferred.
- Good sunshine and high rainfall
- A well – drained sandy loam to clayey – loam soil with rich organic matter
- pH ranging from 4.5 to 7.5.
- Water- logged soils hamper the growth.
b. Cultivation:
- Propagation:- Viable seeds and Rooted slips.
- The rooted slips contain 1 – 3 tillers.
- Preparation of land:- 1-2 ploughing, 1-disking, 1- harrowing and leveling the soil.
- However deep ploughing is needed. Free from weeds and stubbles.
- Seed rate:- 1.50- 2.5 kg/ha. Viable seeds should be used.
- Sowing Season:- Mainly June-July, anytime of the year if there is sufficient irrigation facility.
c. Management:
- 10-12 tons of FYM/Compost/ha.
- 80:40:40 or 120:50:50 kg of NPK/ha/year.
- Nitrogen fertilizers should be applied 2-4 split doses as top dressing.
- Interculture: – 2-4 weeding and hoeing
- Irrigation: – 10-12 irrigations. The crop is irrigated after every 10-15 days during the dry season.
- Diseases: Leaf blight, Anthracnose – spray Dithane M-45
d. Harvesting:
- 6-7 months after and then subsequent harvesting is done at 2-3 months intervals upto 4th year
- Yield: -15-20 tons of fresh herbage in the first year. 25-30 tones/ha in 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th year.
- The oil yield:-75-100kg/ha. in the 1st year ; 150-200 kg/ha in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th year.
- The yield of oil ranges from 0.5 to 1.2 percent while in rainy season, it is less and in dry season, the oil yield is none
e. Chemical evaluation:
- Chemical Constituents:-The main constituent is Geraniol.
- Besides, the oil consists of Citral, Citranellal, Linalool, Iso-pulegol,
- Actions:-Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, diuretic, febrifuge and tonic. The oil is used in flue, rheumatic pain and menstrual problems.
f. Uses:
- The oil is used in soaps, cosmetic, creams and perfumery.
- The oil is used in most major food categories including alcoholic and soft drinks.
- It is used as in insect repellent and deodorants.
- Used as insect repellents and aromatherapeutic agents (Leite et al., 1986;Shah, et al., 2011; Wijesekera , 1973)