Classification of MAPs
According to their usage
a. Medicinal Herbs
- Medicinal herbs have curative powers and are used in making medicines because of their healing properties
b. Culinary Herbs
- Culinary herbs are probably the mostly used as cooking herbs because of their strong flavors eg. Mint
c. Aromatic Herbs
- Aromatic herbs have some common uses because of their pleasant smelling flowers or foliage. Oils from aromatic herbs can be used to produce perfumes, toilet water, and various scents. For e.g. mint, rosemary etc.
d. Ornamental Herbs
- Ornamental herbs are used for decoration because they have brightly colored flowers and foliage eg. rose
According to the active constituents
Present in them, the herbs are divided into five major categories: Aromatic (volatile oils), Astringents (tannins), Bitter (phenol compounds, saponins, and alkaloids, Mucilaginous (polysaccharides), and Nutritive (food stuffs)
a. Aromatic Herbs
- the name is a reflection of the pleasant odor that many of these herbs have
- they are used extensively both therapeutically and as flavorings and perfumes
- Aromatic herbs are divided into two subcategories: stimulants (which increase energy and activities of the body eg. ginger, garlic, lemon etc.) and nervines (which heal and soothe the nervous system eg. ginger, Centella etc.)
b. Astringent Herbs
- these have tannins, which have the ability to precipitate proteins, and this “tightens,” contracts, or tones living tissue, and helps to halt discharges
- affect the digestive, urinary, and circulatory systems, and large doses are toxic to the liver
c. Bitter Herbs
- are named because of the presence of phenols and phenol glycosides, alkaloids, or saponins
- are divided into four subcategories: laxative herbs, diuretic herbs, saponin-containing herbs, and alkaloid-containing herbs
- Laxative Bitter herbs include hypotonic, blood purifier. For e.g. Aloe, pumpkin, yucca, safflowers etc.
- Diuretic Herbs induce loss of fluid from the body through the urinary system which help to clean vascular system, kidneys, and liver eg. Asparagus, grapevine etc.
- Saponin-containing Herbs are known for their ability to produce foaming in solution with water which emulsify fat soluble molecules in the digestive tract, and their most important property is to enhance the body’s ability to absorb other active compounds eg. Yam root, yucca etc.
- Alkaloids are most common ingredient of secondary metabolites. eg. Meconopsis
d. Mucilaginous Herbs
- all plants product mucilage in some form to store water and hydrates as a food reserve
- since most mucilage are not broken down by the human digestive system, these herbs are most effective knitting agents
- Eliminate the toxins from the intestinal system, help in regulating it eg. aloe, kelp , Irish moss etc.
e. Nutritive Herbs
- derive both their name and their classification from the nutritive value they provide to the diet
- are true foods and provide some medicinal effects as fiber, mucilage, and diuretic action
- But most importantly they provide the nutrition of protein, carbohydrates, and fats, plus the vitamins and minerals that are necessary for adequate nutrition.
- g. apple, asparagus, banana, bee pollen, broccoli, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, grapefruit, lemon, onion, orange, papaya, pineapple etc.
According to the period of life, herbs also can be classified as annuals, biennials, and perennials
- Annual herbs complete their life cycle in one year; start them from seed, bloom one season and then die eg. Satuwa, Panchaunle etc.
- Biennials herbs are plant which live for two seasons, blooming in the second season only eg. Prime rose, Caraway seeds
- Perennials are those plants which established once, live over winter and bloom each season eg. Amala, Harro etc.
According based on the parts used
- Whole plant: Boerhaavia diffusa, Phyllanthus neruri.
- Root: Dasamula (pachaula)
- Stem : Tinospora cordifolia, Acorus calamus (Bojo)
- Bark : Cinnamomum
- Leaf: Aloe vera
- Flower: Rose
- Fruit: Solanum spps.
- Seed: Dhaturo
According to therapeutic value
- Antimalarial: Cinchona officinalis
- Anticancer: Catharanthus roseus
- Antiulcer: Azadirachta indica
- Antidiabetic: Catharanthus roseus
- Anticholesterol: Allium sativum
- Antiinflammatory: Curcuma domestica
- Antiviral: Acacia catechu
- Antibacterial: Plumbago indica
- Antiprotozoal: Ailanthus sps.
- Antidiarrhoel: Psidium gujava
- Hypotensive: Alium sativum
- Tranquilizing: Rauvolfia serpentine
- Anaesthetic: Erythroxylum coca
- Spasmolytic: Atropa belladonna
- Diuretic: Phyllanthus niruri
- Astrigent: Piper betle
- Anthelmentic : Punica granatum
- Cardiotonic: Digitalis sp.
- Antiallergic: Nandina domestica
- Hepatoprotective: Silybum marianum
According to notes on musical scale
- Top notes: Basil, Eucalyptus, lemon, mandarian, etc.
- Middle notes: Geranium, Lavender, Rosemary, Rose wood.
- Base notes: Ginger, Oak moss, Cedar wood.
According to scented plants parts
- Plants with scented leaves: Aloe vera, Cymbopogon sps, Cinnamomun comphara, Digitalis, etc.
- Plants with scented young twigs: Eucalyptus, Pinus.
- Plants with scented flowers: Rose, Jasmine, etc.
- Plants with aromatic woods; Acacia catecheu, Cinnamomu sp. Terminalia arjuna, etc.
- Plants with aromatic gums: Canarium commune, Canarium mulleri, etc.
- Plants with scented underground parts: Acorus calamus, Allium cepa, Zingibar officinale, etc.
- Plants with scented fruits and berries: Aegle marmelos, Solanum nigrum, etc.
- Plants with scented peel: Citrus lemon, etc.
- Plants with aromatic seeds: Apium graveolens, Digitalis prupurea, etc.
- All parts scented: Tagetus, Artemesia absinthum, etc.
- Plants with aromatic roots: Rauvolfia serpentine, Apium graveolens, etc.