About Lesson
- Scientific name: Datura metel
- English name: Thron-Apple
a. Environment:
- Tropical, sub-tropical and temperate .
- 100-15 0C in winter and 25 -27 0C in summer.
- 50-100cm/yr. of rainfall.
- requires good drainage.
- grows best in rich clay loam soils.
b. Cultivation:
- Propagation: By seeds
- Preparation of land: 2-3 ploughings, one harrowing and leveling is essential
- Sowing Season – Early March – April. Late June – August.
- Seed Rate: 8-10 kg of seeds/ha
- Transplanting operation is done in the month of May – June and October – December in sub-tropical areas.
- Spacing: R X P. 75 x 75 cm or 45 X 60cm or 30-45 cm x 45 – 60 cm apart.
- Fertilizers: 5-10 tons of FYM or Compost /ha. 80:40:50kg of NPK/ha
- N fertilizer is applied as two split doses after two months of transplanting.
c. Management:
- Weeding and thinning is done when plants are 10-20cm high. Second weeding & hoeing is done after a month or 11/2 to 2 months.
- 4-5 irrigations after every fortnight interval if there is no rain.
- Diseases – Root rot (Corticium solani), Wilt (Sclerotium rolfsii),Mosaic Viral.
- Insect pests: Thrips
d. Harvesting:
- 6-7 months after sowing.
- entire plant is cut when the fruits are matured but green and partially dried in the sun or in shade.
- The leaves and tops of the plants are cut in the morning.
- The herbage is dried in the shade immediately or in a drying room at a temperature up to 50 0
e. Yield:
- Green – 200 – 210q of green herbage and 15-20q of seeds/ ha.
- Nearly 1 kg of dried herb yield about 0.4 – 0. 59 g of total alkaloid annually.
f. Chemical evaluation:
- The principal alkaloid are Hysocine, Hyascyamine (0.3 -0.8%), Daturine.
- Seed oil contains Me-sterol.
g. Uses:
- Antispasmodic, anodyne, narcotic, asthma, sedative, anticho-linergic ( blocks acetylcholine: gastritis, diarrhoea, nausea,vomitting)
- The dried leaves reduce asthma fits.
- Whooping cough and Bronchitis.
- Seeds are used in asthma, hydrophobia and also in malaria.
- In higher doses cause hallucinations
- Dried leaves and flowers are used for epigastric and rheumatic pain.
- Leaves are also used to reduce inflammation of breast cancer caused by excessive lactation.
- It is useful in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, mucous secretion and urinary disorder.
- The juice of the fruits is applied to the scalp for curing dandruff and falling hair.