About Lesson
- Scientific name: Vetiveria zizanioides Stapf.
a. Environment:
- Tropical and subtropical climate
- Average annual rainfall 100-200cm.
- A well- drained rich sandy loam to clayey loam soils.
- It can be grown river banks and partially undated rich marshy lands.
- can tolerate prolonged drought and long seasonal flooding.
b. Cultivation:
- Propagation:- Seeds, Rooted slips
- Preparation of Land:- Deep ploughing, one harrowing and leveling is preferred.
- Sowing Season:- Seeds are sown in N.B. – May- June.
- Rooted slips planted in the main field – July – August.
- Seed Rate:- 1-1.5kg of seeds/hec.
- Spacing:- Rx P = 60×30/45cm.or 50 x 25. or 60 x50cm.
c. Management:
- Manures and Fertilizers:- 15-20 tones FYM /compost / ha. 60:30:30kg of NPK/ha
- Interculture:- 2-4 weeding and hoeing. 2 months after planting earthing up is done to make ridge and furrow
- Irrigation- 2—3 Irrigations or even more, if necessary.
d. Harvesting:
- The aerial parts are first cut off at a length of 15 to 20 cm and are removed.
- The root clumps are then dug out and beaten.
- The soil is further dug out up to a depth of 1m.
- The roots are cleaned and dried in shade for a week.
e. Yield:
- 4-6 tones of fresh roots /ha. and 25-30kg of oil/h.
- Good quality dried roots yield 1.5 to 3% volatile oil and fresh roots give 0.6 to 1.0% oil.
f. Chemical evaluation:
- The principal constituents are ‘Vetiverol’ and Vetivone.
- The oil also contains vetiverone, vetiverols, vetivernyl, vetivernate, vetivene, palmitic acid and benzoic acid.
g. Actions:-
- Antiseptic, antispasmodic, sedative, stimulant, tonic and vermifuge (expels intestinal worms.)
h. Uses:
- Vetiver oil is very valuable and widely used in scenting of soaps, cosmetics and perfumes.
- It is used as a natural fixative.
- The oil is suitable for blending with Patchouly, Jasmine, Lavender, Sandal wood, Rose and Ylang Ylang oil.
- They are employed for flavouring cold drinks.
- The roots possess medicinal properties as tonic, refrigerant, Stimulant etc.