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Lemon grass
- Scientific name: Cymbopogon flexuosus
- Main constituent of the aromatic oil is Aldehyde Citral (65-85%) and Myrcene (12-25%).
- Other constituents are methyl heptenone, methyl heptenol, limonene, nerol linalool,
- Actions :- Analgesic, Antimicrobial, Antipyretic, Antiseptic, Astringent, Carminative, Sedative, Nervine and Tonic
- Lemon oil is used extensively for the scenting of soaps, detergents, cosmetics and technical products.
- Citral is used in flavours, perfumes and for preparation of vitamin A.
- It is used in muscular pain (rheumatism, goiter), colitis, headaches, and nervous exhaustion.
- It is used as insect repellent and it possesses germicidal properties.
- Spent lemon grass is used as excellent manure and fuel.
- It is a good raw material for writing paper manufacturing
- It is excellent de-odouriser for house-hold use