Learn Medicinal and Aromatic Plants with Rahul
About Lesson


  • Scientific name: Mentha arvensis


a. Cultivation:

  • Propagation :- Multiplication through stolon is commercially practices in several countries.
  • Sowing Season:- January – March and May-June. Optimum sowing season is February.
  • Spacing:- 40-60 x 10-15 cm.
  • A piece should be 4-6 cm long with 2 -4 nodes.


b. Environment:

  • Humid and warm climate is usually preferred.
  • Average rainfall 100 – 200 cm/annum.
  • A well-drained loamy, silty loam to clayey loam soils with a soil pH ranges of 6 to 7.5.


c. Management:

  • 12-15q of FYM/compost/ha. 120:50-60: 40-60kg of NPK/h.
  • 20kg of Zn/ha. is recommended.
  • 3-5 weddings and hoeing.
  • Irrigation:-It requires heavy irrigations (8-10) during summer and 4-5 irrigations during autumn.


d. Harvesting:

  • 100 – 105 days of planting particularly when the flower buds start to open during rain onset.
  • Second harvest is made 90 – 100 days after the first harvest usually in october. Cut the entire plants above the ground.
  • Yield:- 15 -25 tonnes/ha. Which 150kg of oil may be obtained.
  • The oil content is 0.4 to 0.7 percent on fresh weight basis.


e. Chemical evaluation:

  • Actions:- Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Anaesthetic, Antimicrobial, Carminative, Cytotoxic, Digestive, Expectorant, Stomachic, Stimulant, Cholagogue (Stimulates the secretion and flow of bile in to the duodenum), Astringent (Causes contraction of organic tissues). Febrifuge, Tonic.
  • Principal constituents include Menthol and Menthone, Linayl acetate and menthol, piperitone. Pulegone, Pinone.


f. Uses:

  • The oil is used is some pharmaceutical preparations such as cough cold syrups, drops, mouth washes, herb teas in the form of menthol.
  • Extensively used in the preparation of cough lozenges, tooth pastes detergents, soaps, cosmetics, perfumes and especially industrial fragrances used by the food industry especially for flavouring confectionery, liqueurs, and chewing gums, tobacco, pan masala, scanty cigarettes.
  • It is mainly used for the isolation of natural Menthol
  • Products like Pudinhara, Sancho,Souche,Sparsh, Balms medicines are commercially used for remedy of indigestion and cold, coughs, fever and it is used as anti-vomiting agent.