Learn Medicinal and Aromatic Plants with Rahul
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Raw materials for the fragrances/Aromatic plants extracts

  1. Concrete
  • concentrated, waxy, solid or semi solid or liquid perfume material
  • solvent extraction rather than distillation or expression
  • more stable and concentrated
  • Prepared from raw materials of vegetable origin (bark, flowers, leafs, roots etc.)
  • Extracted by solvents, rather than distillation or expression
  • Becomes necessary when the essential oil is adversely affected by hot water or steam (e.g. jasmine).
  • Produces a more true-to-nature fragrance.


  1. Absolute
  • Result of organic solvent extraction (hexane and dimethyl ether)
  • highly concentrated viscous, solid or semi solid perfume
  • Combination of pure plant essences and natural oils.
  • Absolutes are extracted from the non-volatile materials with alcohol.
  • Excellent odor quality.
  • g. blue lily absoulte, red lily absolute


  1. Pomade
  • A prepared perfume material obtained by the enfleurage process. Civet and Natural musk are very popular.
  • True pomades are (volatile oil) products of a process known as enfleurage (hot or cold).



  1. Resinoids
  • may be viscous liquid, solid or semi solid but are usually homogenous masses of non-crystalline character
  • Prepared from natural resinous material (dried material) by extraction with a non-aqueous solvent, e.g. Petroleum ether or hexane.


  1. Baslam
  • resinous semi solid mass or viscous liquid exuded from a plant
  • either a pathological or physiological product


  1. Resins
  • A natural or prepared product either solid or semi solid or liquid in nature.
  • Natural resins are exudations from trees.
  • Oleo resins are active ingredients of spice obtained by solvent extraction of spices.