About Lesson
Sacred basil
- Scientific name: Ocimum sanctum L.
a. Environment:
- Tropical, subtropical and sub temperate climate.
- thrive well at a temperature of 42 0c – 45 0
- sandy loam to clayey soils.
- Soil PH: 4.5 – 7.5.
b. Cultivation:
- 2-3 cross ploughings; one harrowing and leveling with A well prepared drainage.
- Propagation:-Seeds
- Nursery Bed:- Flat or Raised bed . March – April. 300gms – 450gms of seeds / ha.
- Sowing / planting season – 4-6 weeks old seedlings or 10cm height plants
- Direct sowing – 450gms – 800gms / ha. The fresh seeds are directly broadcast in the main field.
- Spacing:- 50 x 50cm. or 60 x 40cm or 45 x30cm.apart.
c. Management:
- 20 – 25 tones of FYM /Compost / ha. Or 10-15 carts vermicompost/ha.
- 80:40:40 kg of NPK/ha. 2-3 split doses of N – fertilizer.
- One spitdose should be given at the time of flowering.
- 4-6 irrigations during the rain free period.
- 2-3 weeding and hoeing.
d. Diseases and insects pest:
1.Leaf spot (Cercospora canescens and Glomerella cigulata.)
- Shot hole – Phyllosticta ocimicola.
- Insect Pests:- Beetles and Caterpillars.
e. Harvesting:
- leaves and tender shoots should be harvested at full bloom stage.
- Harvesting of leaves can be started by stripping the leaves by hand after 3-4 months.
- Successive harvesting of leaves after an interval of 1-1,1/2 months.
f. Yield:-
- 40-50 tons of fresh herbs / ha and 50-70kg of oil/ ha.
- From 1000kg of flowering tops, 1-0.8 tons dry stems and 1.2 to 1.9 tons dry leaves /ha.
- 5kg of oil can be obtained. The oil yields 0.5 – 0.7 percent.
g. Chemical evaluation:
- Constituents:-The main constituents of the oil is Eugenol (55-60%) and 20% caryophyllene.
- The other chemical compounds are ocimine, cineole linalol, thymol, isoeugenol, cyamene, linonyl acetate, alpha-pinene, chavicol methyl ester carvacrol and methyl eugenol.
h. Uses:
- expectorant and antiseptic.
- The juice of leaves is useful in bronchitis, catarrh,digestive complaints, skin diseases and earache.
- To cure common colds, decoction of leaves is used.
- A decoction of root is used in malarial fever.
- The oil has the property to destroy insects are extensively used in herbal tea (Tulsi herbal tea).
- The leaves are used in gonorrhea, nephritis and internal piles.