Some terminologies
a) Postharvest handling: Specific term used for the movement of commodities and operations through which a commodity undergoes from harvest to possession of the final consumers, includes the technological aspects of marketing and distribution.
b) Postharvest life: Period of time during which a commodity is still acceptable for its intended purpose.
c) Postharvest Technology: Broader scope of activities in addition to steps involved in postharvest handling ex. Harvesting operation – handling- processing
d) Perishable: Food crops for which food value is maintained over a short period of time after harvest. These include fruit, vegetables, flowers, young coconut, nursery stocks and some staple roots such as sweet potato, cassava and yam.
Present status: Extent of losses is,
Fruits- 20-30%
Vegetable – 30-50%
Some ornamentals- 40-70%
Another perishable commodities- 20-50%
These are the losses incurred from harvesting to consumption or immediately before consumption.