Course Content
Terminology of Animal Nutrition
Comparative composition of plant and animal cells and tissues
Learn Animal Nutrition and Feeding Practices with Rahul
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Nutrients and their absorption center

  1. Carbohydrate: Simple sugar are absorbed into the small intestine and into the portal blood system and then to the liver in the form of glucose.
  2. Fat: Is absorbed through intestinal membrane in the form of fatty acids and monoglycerides. A few diglycerides, and triglycerides are also absorbed. The synthesis of triglycerides takes place in the ER of intestinal wall. Here, Fatty acids are simultaneously absorbed.
  3. Protein: Absorption takes place in small intestine. Amino acids pass into portal blood and then to the liver.
  4. Minerals: Vitamin D promote the absorption of both Ca and P.
  5. Vitamins: Are readily absorbed from the digestive tract into the small intestine.