Course Content
Cultivation practices of Apricot( Prunus armeniaca)
Cultivation practices of Kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa)
Learn Fruit and Plantation Crop Production with Rahul
About Lesson

Importance of fruit crops in Nepal

  1. High net profit:
  • Though, the initial cost of establishment of an orchard is high, it is compensated by higher net profit due to higher productivity or high value of produce.
  • Eg-Wheat/GN/Ragi-3.0-4.0tonnes/ha-25-35,000-00, Grapes/Mango/Banana-20-40t/ha-1.5-2.5 lakh/ha.
  1. Source of raw material for agro based industries:
  • Fruit farming provides raw materials for various agro based industries- canning and preservation (fresh fruits), coir industries (coconut husk), pharmaceutical industry (Aonla, Papaya, Jamun) transporting and packaging industries etc.
  1. Efficient utilization of resources:
  • Growing of fruits being perennial in nature, enables grower to remain engaged throughout the year in farm operations and to utilize fully the resources & assets like machinery, labor, land water for production purpose throughout the year compared to agronomic crops.
  1. Utilization of waste and barren lands for production:
  • Although, most of the fruits crops require perennial irrigation and good soil for production, there are many fruit crops which are hardy in nature, Mango, Ber, Cashew, Custard apple, Aonla, Phalsa, Jamun etc. which are grown on poor shallow, undulated soils considered unsuitable for growing grain/ agronomical crops.




  1. Foreign exchange:
  • Many fresh fruits, processed products and spices are exported to several countries earning good amount of foreign exchange.


  1. Nutritional importance
  • Importance of fruits in human diet is well recognized. Man cannot live on cereals alone.
  • Fruits are essential for balanced diet and good health.
  • Nutritionist advocates 60-85g of fruits.
  • Vegetables per capita per day in addition to cereals, pulses, egg etc.


  1. Religious importance:
  • Areca nut as goddess symbol and inviting to the family occasions, bel in Newari, Coconut- worshipping god)


  1. Aesthetic importance:
  • Road corridor (tall and dust absorbing), gardening in office/schools/public places etc.


  1. Industrial importance:
  • Jam, Jelly, Wine, Tea Coffee processing (Grape- about 60 goes to wine making and 99% of wine is made up from wine)


  1. Medicinal importance:
  • Source dietary fiber, Trifal ( Emblica officinalis, Terminalia bellirica, Terminalia chebula), Guava for diarrhea, papaya for digestion



  1. Environmental importance:
  • Holds soil, provide cover to the land (However, sometimes due to plant load, there may be chance of land slide as well), Nepal rank 20th most vulnerable to the natural disaster (UNDP, 2010), rank 30th to the water induced disaster. As per the German Watch (2005), Nepal was ranked as 6th most vulnerable to climate change and global warming.