About Lesson
Insect pest
a) Wooly aphid (Eriosoma laanigerum):
- Cause damage by Sucking of sap from arial parts and roots, results gall formation.
- Control can be done by treating nurseries with Carbofuran granules @60 kg/ha.
- Avoid spraying during summer when predators and parasitoids activity is high.
- Use aphid resistant rootstock MM Series such as MM111, MM118, MM119and M25 and Northern Spy.
b) San Jose Scale (Quadraspidiotus perniciosus):
- Infested fruits apper covered with wood ash.
- Cause damage by sucking sap from the stem, leaves, branches and even stems and result in death of plant.
- Spray chloropyriphos (0.02%) or phosphamidon (0.03%) for control.