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Cultivation practices of Apricot( Prunus armeniaca)
Cultivation practices of Kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa)
Learn Fruit and Plantation Crop Production with Rahul
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Peach Vs Nectarine

  • Hairless or fuzzless peach, smooth skinned, somewhat like a plum
  • Tree differs in no essential respect from that of the peach
  • Genetically, the absence of fuzz on the nectarine is fundamentally the only difference between it and the peach
  • Fruits- Aside from the absence of pubescence, is likely the peach
  • Fruits may be a little smaller in size, firmer fleshed and may possess stronger flavor and aroma
  • Both types (clingstone and freestone) exist
  • Nectarine leaves, in one variety or another show all the variations in glands and serrations known to the peach and the stones of peach and nectarine are indistinguishable