About Lesson
Training and pruning
a) Japanese pear: open center/vase system
b) European pear: modified center leader system
Age of trees (Years) |
FYM (Kg) |
NPK (gm) |
1 |
10 |
70:35:100 |
2 |
15 |
140:70:200 |
74 above |
40 |
500:250:700 |
- Full dose of P and K should be applied during Dec-Jan.
- Half dose of N is applied in spring before flowering and recommended half dose of N is applied a month later.
Fruit thinning
- Hand thinning of fruit set stage: April
- Foliar spraying of 200 ppm NAA and 100 ppm carbaryl at full bloom stage.
Fruit drop
- Spray 10 ppm 2,4,5-T or 15 ppm 2,4-D or 5 ppm NAA is effective.
Harvesting and yield
- Fruit become dark brown color.
- For local market fruit is harvest at full maturity stage
- For distant markets fruit is harvest at advance of proper maturity
- Yield: 60-70 kg/tree/year