Course Content
Cultivation practices of Apricot( Prunus armeniaca)
Cultivation practices of Kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa)
Learn Fruit and Plantation Crop Production with Rahul
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Training and pruning

a) Pergola/arbour/pandel system:

  • The system is most suitable for cultivars like Anab-e-shahi, Thompson seedless, etc.
  • It is the most expensive one.
  • In this system, vines are spread over a criss cross network of wire, usually 2.1-2.4 m above the ground, supported by pillars and angle arms of iron.
  • Growing tip is pinched off at 15 cm below the lower level so as to facilitate the production of side shoots.
  • Two vigorous shoots in opposite direction are selected at wire level as primary arm and on each primary arm each side at a distance 60 cm are kept as secondary arm. Hence, there will be 12 secondary arms.
  • The secondary arm is also let grow to form 8-10 tertiary arms which upon maturity form fruiting canes.


b) Kniffins/ trellis system:

  • Suitable for moderately vigorous varieties with less apical dominance.
  • Galvanized wire is stretched at successive height of 75 cm above which 2 more wire are stretched at successive heights of 60 cm.
  • When the plant cross the wire, it is tapped leaving bud above wire.
  • Two laterals are grown on either side of the plant along the wire and terminal shoot is allowed to grow vertically.
  • Similarly, pair of laterals is developed along the 2nd and 3rd
  • Suitable for varieties like Pusa seedless, Thomson seedless, Pertlett, Beauty seedless, etc.


c) Telephone or overhead trellis system:

  • Suitable for medium vigorous varieties with more apical dominance.
  • 3 parallel vires are strung 45-60 cm apart through the cross-iron arms on the top of the angle iron poles at a height of 1.5 m above the ground level.
  • After reaching the height of 1.5m, the growing tip is pinched off to encourage side shoots close to the wire.
  • Two vegetative shoots are selected as primary arms from which four vigorous laterals on each side along the wires are allowed to develop as secondary arms.


d) Head/ single stand system:

  • Less expensive one and suitable for varieties like Beauty seedless, Delight, Gold, etc.
  • The vines are allowed to grow into an upright stem with the help of support and developing shoot is cut off at a height of 1 to 1.25 m in July.
  • It is allowed to develop 3-4 lateral branches each 0.45 m long, arranged in the form of vase.
  • At the first dormant pruning in February, the lateral branches are shortened to spurs with one or two buds each.
  • At the second dormant pruning, 8-10 arms with 1-2 spurs on each arm are retained dor cropping for third year.