About Lesson
- Should be irrigated regularly.
- Irrigation is required specially during the flowering and bunch ripening stage.
- Avoiding too wet soil during those periods is desirable.
- 25-30 kg FYM is needed.
- NPK ration must be 0.07-0.09:0.54-0.57:0.135-0.18 kg NPK/ha.
- Green manuring is applied whenever feasible.
Harvesting and yield
- Always avoid premature harvest of grape bunches.
- Ripening is indicated by the increase in sugar and decrease in acid content and development of characteristics color, flavor and texture of the cultivar.
- The fruit is ready for picking after the berries near the tip have changed color and have become sweet.
- The cluster should be removed during morning by cutting with the help of scissor or knife near its attachment to the cane.
- The cluster should be handled only with stem.
- Average yield is 15-30 ton/ha.