Course Content
Cultivation practices of Apricot( Prunus armeniaca)
Cultivation practices of Kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa)
Learn Fruit and Plantation Crop Production with Rahul
About Lesson


  • Papaya is usually propagated by seeds.
  • The seeds should be collected from healthy ripe fruits essentially from the plants free from pest & diseases.
  • The seeds should be rubbed with ash to remove mucilaginous coating (Aril/Sarcotesta) to facilitate better germination.
  • However, seeds can be stored for 45 days in an air tight container and stored at 10°C.
  • Before sowing, soaking seeds in 100ppm GA solution to enhance germination percentage.



  • About 400 -500 grams of seed is required for raising crop in one hectare.
  • Seeds may be sown in poly bags (22x15cm with 150 gauges) 6 weeks prior to transplanting.
  • The media should be disinfected by using 2 % formalin solution,
  • 4 seeds per polybag should be sown, if it is dioecious variety or 2 seeds, if it is hermaphrodite variety.
  • Seeds also sown in raised nursery beds; about 350 g seeds are required to plant one hectare area.
  • Germination will be observed in 2-3 weeks after sowing.
  • Seedlings grow to a height of 15 to 20 cm and are ready for transplanting
  • About 6-7 weeks old seedlings will be ready for transplanting



  • Pits of 45cm x 45cm x 45cm size are dug at about 1.8×1.8m apart either way.
  • This would accommodate 3000 plants per hectare. Due to sex variations, about 40 to 60 per cent of the plants may turn to be male in the case of dioecious varieties.
  • Therefore, in such case 2 to 3 seedlings per hole at 30 cm apart in the pit should be planted, so that when they reach the flowering phase, the unproductive male trees can be removed to keep the population ratio of one male tree for every 15 to 20 female trees.


Intercropping & intercultivation

  • Different short duration vegetables can be profitably grown for about six months from planting;
  • For control of weeds, weedicides like fluchloralin or butachlor at 2.0 kg/ha have to be applied.
  • Post emergent herbicides – Glyphosate has also been found effective.


Flowering and fruit set

  • Papaya starts flowering in 5-6 months after planting;
  • When the sex of the plant is identified, surplus male plants (plants with long 1-11/2 meters flower stalk hang out with small tubular flowers contains stamens only), may be removed keeping one male plant for every 10 female plants, as pollinizers.
  • Removing of male plants by maintaining1 male plant for every 10 plants after flowering.



  • While planting, along with top soil 5 kg. of FYM, 100 grams of neem cake and 40 grams of super phosphate should be mixed and pits are filled.
  • After thinning of male and female plants first dose of 50 grams each of N, P and K per plant (110 g of urea, 310 g of super phosphate and 80 g of muriate of potash) should be applied.
  • The same dose should be applied at 2 months interval from second month of planting.
  • While applying fertilizers it is not necessary to fertilize the male trees left as pollinizers as they will regularly put forth necessary male flowers without any extra manuring.


Irrigation and weed management

  • For high and successful production regular irrigation is needed. Lack of moisture results in stunted growth and poor fruiting.
  • During summer, irrigations are to be given at 5-6 days interval and during winter 8-10 day‘s interval. Ring system of irrigation is better.
  • This method prevents water coming in contact with the trunk. So, it prevents collar rot disease.
  • Application of weedicide such as Fluchloralin or Butachlor at 2.0 kg/ha,
  • Post emergent herbicides – Glyphosate has also been found effective.