About Lesson
Sex expression
- low temperature favors production of perfect flowers on the male tree.
- Seedless fruits are developed from the pure female flowers which are not cross pollinated.
- After flowering the fruits mature within 5 months.
- Under adverse climatic condition flowers & fruit drop is very common, to avoid this problem spraying of planofix @ 1ml/liter.
- Fruit thinning is suggested to get good size and quality.
Factors influencing sex expression
a) Environment:
- Low temperature tends to produce perfect flowers on the male tree and female flower production is increased in cool weather and short days.
- Season of planting also affects the sex expression.
- Planting during February shows more male plants while planting in March/April produces an equal number of staminate and pistillate plants.
b) Growth regulators:
- Such as GA (50 ppm), ethrel (200ppm) SADH (250ppm) and phosphon – D (2500ppm) increase the femaleness in dioecious types.
Maturity/Harvesting Indices
- The first crop of fruits becomes available in 12-14 months from the time of planting.
- Harvesting starts in about 9-10 months after planting. The economic life is only 3-4 years.
- The maturity is well indicated by color change and the consistency of latex. The latex of mature fruits becomes watery.
- Fruits for local consumption should be picked when the green color is half way changed into yellow;
- for export it is necessary to pick sooner, after the blossom end has turned color.
Harvesting and yield
- Manual harvesting is commonly practiced.
- Individual fruits should be harvested by twisting by hand without damage.
- Fruits are harvested when the fruit turn slight yellow in colour.
- While harvesting, fruit should not be damaged to prevent rotting.
- Wash the fruits with water or fungicide i.e., Benlate at 0.05per cent and pack in boxes with cushioning materials.
- After harvesting in about 5-6 days fruit ripens depending upon room temperature.
- Fruits could be stored for more than 4-5 weeks at 00C; also individual fruits are wrapped in the newspaper for ripening.
- The average yield is 30-80 tons/ha.
Post-harvest handling and storage
- After harvesting the fruits are graded on the basis of their weight, size and color.
- Fruits are highly perishable in nature.
- They can be stored for a period of 1-3 weeks at a temperature of 10-13 o C and 85-90% RH.