Course Content
Cultivation practices of Apricot( Prunus armeniaca)
Cultivation practices of Kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa)
Learn Fruit and Plantation Crop Production with Rahul
About Lesson


a) Indian Cultivars: Dheradun, Rose Scented, Mazaffarpur, Calcutta, Sharanpur, Seedless late, Bedana, Elachi, Bombai etc.

b) Terai Cultivars: Mujafpuri, Raja Saheb, Deharaduni, China, Calcuttia

c) Hill Cultivars: Pokhara local, Udaipur local, Tanahu local, Chitwan local, Kalika local, Gorkha local


Major varieties grown in Nepal

a) Muzaffarpur : Fruit large (20g), red, sweet and juicy, early var.

b) Seedless (Early Bedana) : Fruit medium, very sweet, fragrant, very small seed, early var.

c) Saharanpur : Fruit large, red, sweet and prolific, early

d) Dehradun : Fruit large (18g), mid-season var.

e) Rose scented : Fruit large (20-24g), red, sweet, rose scented, susceptible to sunburn and cracking, mid season

f) Shahi : Large fruit, suitable for canning, heavy bearer (Matures in first week of May)

g) Bombai : Most important commercial varieties of west bengal, fruit size (15-20g), juicy, sweet, pleasant flavour, seed big

h) China : Excellent cultivar of India, fruit large (25-27g), less susceptible to sun burn and cracking

i) Deshi : Fruit medium (17g), regular bearer and early var.