About Lesson
Insect pest
a) Litchi mite:
- The mites puncture and lacerate the tissues of the leaf and suck the cell sap
- They attack the young leaves causing hairy blister like gall on the upper side of the leaves
- The leaves become thickened wrinkled and distorted
- The leaves may ultimately fall off
- The mite also attacks and cause malformation of inflorescence
b) Litchi fruit borer:
- The young larvae make mine in the lamina and bore into mid-rib of young leaves and tunnel through it, as a result branches wither and drop.
c) Bark eating caterpillar:
- Several caterpillars may attack the same tree at different Bark eating caterpillar Damage symptoms locations with serious injury to the bark and the death of small branches.
- The holes left on the trunk may lead to infestation by other insects or plant pathogens. Affected trees also break at the points of attack.
- A severe infestation may arrest the growth of the tree and the fruiting capacity.
d) Mealy bug:
- Young plants – susceptible for heavy infestation.
- Infest tender branches, nodes, leaves, spikes, berries and roots
- Both nymphs and adults suck the sap from the leaves.
- Severe infestation – Chlorotic leaves, aborted flower buds and small berries
- Honey dew excrete – development of sooty mould fungus (affects photosynthesis)
e) White fly:
- Both the adults and nymphs suck the plant sap and reduce the vigor of the plant.
- In severe infestations, the leaves turn yellow and drop off.
- When the populations are high, they secrete large quantities of honeydew, which favors the growth of sooty mould on leaf surfaces and reduces the photosynthetic efficiency of the plants.