About Lesson
a) Seed:
- Jackfruit is commonly propagated by seeds.
- Seed should be sown immediately after extraction since they lose their viability during storage.
- Soaking seed in NAA (25 mg/L of water) for 24 hrs improve their germination and seedling growth.
b) Air layering:
- It is one of the best methods to obtain true to type plant.
- Air layering of one-year-old shoot of bearing plant gives higher success when treated with IBA (500 ppm).
c) Epicotyls grafting:
- Jackfruit seeds should be sown in poly bags (l0cm x 20cm) in the 1st week of July.
- The seedlings when reached 12-14 cm heights should be used as rootstock for grafting.
- Scions from the terminal shoot of selected good variety of one season old, having well developed buds should be used.
- At the base of the individual scion a wedge of 4.0 cm should be prepared and inserted in the split epicotyls region of the stock and tied firmly by polythene strips.
d) Patch Budding:
- Teaotia et al. ( 1963) reported 100 percent success by patch budding.
- Patch, chip and T methods of budding were tried during February to September by Singh et al. (1982).
- The maximum success ( 90 percent ) was obtained following patch method in June and T budding was found successful.