Course Content
Terminology of Animal Nutrition
Comparative composition of plant and animal cells and tissues
Learn Animal Nutrition and Feeding Practices with Rahul
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Amino acids

Essential Amino acids ( PVT TIM HALL)

  1. Proline
  2. Valine
  3. Tryptophane
  4. Theronine
  5. Isoleucine
  6. Methionine
  7. Histadine
  8. Arginine
  9. Leucine
  10. Lysine


Non-Essential Amino acid ( GAC TPS)

  1. Glutamine
  2. Glycine
  3. Glutamic acid
  4. Aspergine
  5. Alanine
  6. Aspartic acid
  7. Cystine
  8. Tryosine
  9. Phenylanine
  10. Serine