About Lesson
- Citrus trees are evergreen, subtropical climates of the world although in tropical regions of the world .
- Citrus fruits grow best between a temperature range of 13˚C to 37 ˚ C.
- Soil temperature around 25 ˚ C seems to be optimum for root growth.
- The best climatic condition suitable for Mandarin and Sweet orange is 1000-14000masl with annual average temperature of 190c.
- lime can be cultivated successfully 500-1400masl and lemon 500-1000masl.
- increase in altitude, the fruit of mandarin and orange becomes smaller, more acidic with thick skin
- while in relatively lower altitude; the fruit become sweeter with proper color development.
- low humidity favor seed color and external appearance
- high humidity favors thin skinned juicy fruits
- annual rainfall of 1250-1850 mm