Course Content
Cultivation practices of Apricot( Prunus armeniaca)
Cultivation practices of Kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa)
Learn Fruit and Plantation Crop Production with Rahul
About Lesson

Climate and intercultural operation

a) Climate:

  • Cultivated from tropical to temperate region
  • Shows deciduous behavior in temperate region whereas ever green in tropical region
  • Prefers dry and cool weather during fruit maturation


b) Soil

  • Sandy to sandy loam (pH- 7.3)


c) Propagation

  • Seed: Seeds dormancy can be broken by keeping the seed in cool environment (1 C) for 4-5 months or dipping the seed in 100-500 ppm GA3
  • Cutting: Hardwood and Softwood
  • Budding and grafting: V. vinifera cultivars are mostly susceptible to Phyolloxera and nematodes. So, V. rupestris, V. raparia (both phyolloxera ressistance) and V. solonis, V. chamini and V. doahiana (resistance to nematodes), T-buding in Asadh and Chip budding in Chaitra