About Lesson
Climatic and soil requirement
- In Nepal- 800 to 1000m asl (1700-2400m asl in India)
- Can tolerate -26°C during dormancy and 45°C in growing period
- Spring frost is detrimental to pear production
- If lower temp. (7.1°C during night and 21°C during day) prevail for several days before harvest, premature ripening occurs impairing quality and storage life of fruits
- South east facing slope is appropriate fruit development
- Annual rainfall of 100-125 cm is adequate
- The best flavour and keeping quality in Barlett pear develop in location when summers are fairly hot and dry.
- Cool nights (10°C) during a month before harvest cause softening and premature ripening of this cultivar, thus impairing fruit size and quality
Absence of rains during flowering period is one of the pre-requisites for successful cultivation of pear
- Soil: Clay-loam , pH- 5.5 to 6.5 (slightly acidic)