Course Content
Cultivation practices of Apricot( Prunus armeniaca)
Cultivation practices of Kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa)
Learn Fruit and Plantation Crop Production with Rahul
About Lesson

Climatic and soil requirement

  • Chilling requirement as per the cultivar type, 600 to 800 hours in general (low chill vars- 50-100 hrs)
  • In Nepal- 1000 to 2800m asl
  • South east facing slope is appropriate fruit development
  • Soil: Clay-loam , pH- 5.5 to 6.5 (slightly acidic), No water stagnation
  • Rainfall- 450 mm (annual average)


Planting and intercultural operation

  • Planting : During December to early spring (During dormant stage)
  • Planting space: 7-8m, Budding done in June can be transplanted in winter of the same year
  • Fertilizer: 20-25 kg FYM, NPK: 50:25:60, (All dose of PK in Paush/Magh, N-1/2 after sprouting and remaining 1/2 after fruit picking)
  • Thinning- Hand thinning is preferred (maintain 12-15cm between two fruits), 75 leaves per fruit, Apply NAA (20-40ppm)



  • During fruit development stage
  • Irrigation should be give in long interval during November before they enter into dormant stage
  • During this stage the peach tree would become dormant and there will be less transpiration because of shedding of leaves.
  • Irrigation at this stage should be withheld, so that they enter into dormancy and become sufficiently hardened to withstand cool weather
  • By giving frequent irrigation at this stage, the tree would continue to grow and become prone to winter injury