Course Content
Cultivation practices of Apricot( Prunus armeniaca)
Cultivation practices of Kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa)
Learn Fruit and Plantation Crop Production with Rahul
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Flowering and Fruit set in Jack Fruit

  • There is always a higher proportion of male than female inflorescences.
  • The spike can easily be identified when small, as the length and diameter of female inflorescences are larger than those of males.
  • The surface of a young male spike is smooth while that of the female is granular.
  • Male and female inflorescences develop more or less simultaneously but male spikes tend to reach maturity 3-5 days before the female ones.
  • Fruit setting can be improved by hand pollination. Fruit set is normally 70-75% through open pollination. The fruits develop during Spring (February) or Summer (June).


Maturity indices

  • Rind changes color from green to yellow or greenish yellow
  • Spines become well-developed and well-spread and yield to moderate pressure
  • Last leaf on the footstalk turns yellow, and
  • Fruit produces a dull hollow sound when tapped by a finger.


Harvesting and yield

  • First fruiting take place 6-8 years after planting.
  • The fruits mature towards the end of summer in June.
  • The yield of jackfruit varies widely with the type and climate condition. The trees produce a few fruits to as high as 250 to 300 fruits/tree/year.
  • Harvesting is carried out by cutting the peduncle with a sharp knife and by traditional methods, such as the use of ropes and sickles for upper fruit harvesting and hand picking for lower fruits.
  • They should be harvested into a sack or lowered by a rope to avoid damage.