Course Content
Cultivation practices of Apricot( Prunus armeniaca)
Cultivation practices of Kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa)
Learn Fruit and Plantation Crop Production with Rahul
About Lesson

Flowering and fruiting

  • Flowering: february march
  • Duration of flowering is 25 days
  • Normally 99% hermaphrodite flower drop.
  • 15% flower perfect flower set fruit
  • 1 0.25 % reaches maturity.


Climate and soil

  • Tropical fruit can be grown up to 1100masl. Best
  • grown up to 500m.
  • 24-270 c ideal
  • Bright sunny days and moderate humidity
  • High humidity during fruiting period causes powdery mildew and anthracnose.
  • Ph 5.5-7.5
  • However, it can tolerate up to 480 C during fruit development with regular irrigations, which improve fruit size, quality and maturity.
  • Low temperatures (130 C-190 C) are good for flower bud differentiation.
  • It can be grown in areas with rainfall from 25cm to 250cm if no high humidity water stress or rest 2-3 months before flowering improves flower bud formation.
  • Temperature, rainfall and wind velocity are the main climatic factors, which influence its growth and fruiting. It cannot stand severe frost, especially when the tree is young.
  • Rain during flowering is detrimental to the crop as it interferes with pollination but also encourages greater incidence of pests and diseases.
  • Dry period before blossoming is conducive to profuse flowering. Strong winds and cyclones during fruiting season can play havoc and blow away the crop completely.