About Lesson
Flowering and Fruiting
- Cultivated strawberry bear two types of flowers- Hermophrodite and pistillate flowers
- Flowers occurs in cluster and receme type inflorescence
- Flowers bloom in late winter or early spring
- Parthenocarpy can be induced by the application of IA
- Strawberry being a shallow rooted
- Plant requires more frequent but less amount of water in each irrigation
- First two months – Twice per week without rain
- Third month – Weekly
- Fourth and fifth months -Every two weeks
- Fruiting begins – Increase again for larger fruits
- With drip irrigation apply water @200 ml/ plant/day
- Be done just after planting (before start their growth) for checking weed growth and conserving moisture in the soil
- Fruit rotting is also reduced by inorganic mulch.
- It is two types:
- Inorganic mulch – Black plastic film (widely used) and silver plastic film
- Organic mulch – leaves, wheat and paddy straw, news paper and dry grasses etc.
Weed control
- Hand weeding and mulching can be done
- Oxyfluorfen + napropamide @ 0.6 =5.0 kag a.i/ ha OR
- Simazine 3 kg/ ha to control weed infestation