About Lesson
Fungal diseases of banana
- Panama wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.cubense)
- Yellowing of leaf blades, leaves wither and petiole breaks or buckles and hang around the pseudostem.
- Longitudinal splitting of pseudo stem and subsequent death of entire plant.
Management :
- Removal of infected plants and application of lime @ 2kg/pit and leave it fallow for 6 months
- Growing resistant varieties like Dwarf Cavendish, Poovan and Nendran
- Crop rotation with paddy in wet land cultivation
- Capsule application of 50-60mg of carbendazim applied to the hole made at an angle of 45 degree diagonally in the diseases corm.
- Sigatoka leaf spot disease – (Mycosphaerella musicola)
- Yellowish green streaks appear along the veins which later on enlarge into elongated/cylindrical spots.
- Several spots join together and cause drying of the leaves.
- Spray copper oxy chloride or carbendazim @ 500g/ha
- Avoid close planting