About Lesson
Insects, pests and enemies
- Pear psylla- Similar to aphids, sucks saps from stem/leaf/fruit- Apply Roger or Malathion
- Pear thrips- Brown insect with wing, sucks saps from stem- Apply insecticides
- Mites- (Red spider)- More prominent in dry and hot condition, apply insecticides (Roger or Malathion)
- Birds- Crow etc
- Decline- Attacks to grafted plants, due to poor compatibility between rootstocks and scion, Casual organism- Mycoplasm and disseminates by pear psylla, Use resistance vars, use old home between as interstock between Quins rootstocks and Bartlet scion
- Fire blight- new leaves/flower dies, appearance like canker, Do not apply N and apply Streptomycin sulfate
- Scab-Due to fungus, seems black spot-on fruit and leaf, causes fruit drop, Apply sulfate
- Black end- black spot at the end of the fruit, No satisfactory measure