About Lesson
- Native to tropical America.
- Papaya has long been known as wonder fruit of the tropics.
- It gives maximum yield per unit and income next to banana.
- It is generally grown as fruit plant in kitchen garden, home garden or nutrition garden and later as commercial fruit.
- It is also planted as a filler plant in a fruit orchard.
Importance of Papaya
- The ripe fruits are used for desert purpose, preparation of jam, jelly, soft drinks, ice cream, flavoring, crystallized fruits, canned in syrup, fruits salad.
- The unripe fruits are consumed as vegetables also as a contraceptive.
- The seeds also have medicinal properties.
- Papaya yield a valuable proteolytic enzyme, papain, which has several and varied use in medicine and industry.
- Papain is used to correct certain digestive ailments, for tenderizing meat, in the manufacture of leather and in clarifying beer.
- The other uses of papain are in the treatment of ulcer, diphtheria, pre-shrinking of wool, manufacture of chewing gum, degumming natural silk and rayon, in cosmetics, dental paste preparation etc.
- The raw fruits are cooked as vegetables and consumed.
Uses of Papaya
- Used in brewing industries as a clarifying agent for beer etc.
- Used in preparation of drugs for treating intestinal cancer, tape worms, round worms and kidney disorders.
- The carpaine alkaloid present in green parts and in seeds used as heart stimulant, as diuretic and for treatment of amoebic dysentery.
- Preparation of chewing gum, cosmetics, papers and adhesive materials.
- It is also be used for extraction of oil from liver of Tuno fish.
- Papaya is very nutritious, it contains high quantities of vitamin A and ranks second to mango in the content of vitamin-A (carotene), the vitamin A is associated with carotene but the yellow pigment of papaya is caricaxanthene.
- Used in brewing industries as a clarifying agent for beer etc.
- It also contains Vit. C, riboflavin, niacin, good source of Ca, P, Fe, fat and carbohydrates.
- Apart from papain, raw fruits can also be used for extraction of pectin.
- Pectin is generally extracted using alcohol precipitation method.
- It is used in food industry as flavouring extract and emulsifying agent.
- Tutti frutti: Papaya bits (immature) are first soaked in brine and boiled in sugar syrup and immersed in sugar syrup for 48-60 hours with permitted colors.
- The other products like, papaya jam, canned slice, papaya beverages, fruit bars/toffee bars, soft drinks etc, could be made out of the fruits.