About Lesson
- Botanical name : Fragaria ananassa
- Family :Rosaceae
- Origin : Europe
- ananassa is natural hybrid
- Fragaria chiloensis × Fragaria virginiana
- Flavour is due to Ethyle butanoate and Ethyle hexanoate
- Strawberry can be used differently like fruit, jam, juice and wine, chocolates , flavouring etc
- In Nepal, strawberry is grown on a very limited scale in scattered pockets, concentrated in Kakani (Nuwakot) and periphery
- Monoecious, short day, low perennial herb and quick growing fruit plant
- Rich in vit.- c and iron
- Flowers are borne in small cluster and white in colour
- Type of inflorescence : Dichotomic raceme
- Type of fruit : Etaerio of achenes
- Major pollinator : Honey bee
- Edible portion : Succulent receptacle
- Chromosome no.(2n) = 56 (8x)
- Contain high quantities of ellagic acid which inhibit cancer and HIV onto cells and HIV enzyme activity on DNA and function as antioxidants and free radical scavengers
- Consumed as fresh, jam, juice, pies, candy, ice-cream