About Lesson
- Coffea spp, rubiacea
- Derived from arabic word “quahweh” meaning wine.
- Later transformed to word coffee.
- Turkish – kahweh, French- café, Italian- kaffee, dutch- Koffie
- The genus Coffea is native to tropical Africa (specifically having its origin in Ethiopia and Sudan) and Madagascar, the Comoros, Mauritius.
- In Nepal around 1960 Mr. Hira giri brought seeds of coffee from Burma in Aapchaur, Gulmi.
- The leaves range in colour from yellowish to dark green; the newly developed leaves of some varieties are bronzed, others purple-tinged
- dense clusters of white fragrant flowers,
- some species have flowers which are cream, even tinged with pink or purplish red and without fragrance.
- have opposite leaves and branches