Course Content
Cultivation practices of Apricot( Prunus armeniaca)
Cultivation practices of Kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa)
Learn Fruit and Plantation Crop Production with Rahul
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Manures and Fertilizers

  • FYM 40-50 t/ha. N 16 g, P 4 g and K 12 g/plant in two equal splits at 6th and 12th month after planting.
  • Apply as foliar spray 0.5%-1.0% sulphate of Zinc and Ferrous solutions at 15 days interval to overcome the deficiencies in the early crop phase.
  • About 30 tons of FYM/ha/year, along with 500:140:560 kg NPK/hectare for 42,000 plants/ha whereas 600:200:600 kg NPK for 64000 Pl/ha.
  • Fertilizers should be applied at 3 months after planting in 4 split intervals. Foliar application of N (2-4%) is practiced.


Irrigation and weed control

  • Though, pineapple is a rainfed crop, 4-6 irrigations may be necessary during dry season at 20-25 days interval.
  • Combination sprays of Bromocil and Diuron @ 2kg a.i/ha as pre-emergent herbicides can control weeds efficiently.


Flowering and fruiting

  • Flowering in pineapple is induced if the stems are kept in horizontal position due to geotropism.
  • Following measures are to be taken to induce good and uniform flowering

a) Spraying of NAA 100-200 ppm i.e. pouring of 50 ml solution in to the center (heart) of plant

b) Also, ethrel at 25ppm combining with Urea (2%) and sodium carbonate (0.04%) to induce good flowering.

c) This application has to be done, when the plants have 35-40 functional leaves and clear sunny days (one year old plants).

d) Staggered planting to get fruits throughout the year, the plants generally gives out the inflorescence in 12-13 months after planting (Feb-April).

e) Fruit takes 4.5-5.5 months from set to harvest (June –Aug).


Harvesting and yield

  • At maturity with a slight color change at the base of fruit.
  • The lowest eyelets have orange yellow colour and flattened. The bracts become loose & brown.
  • The fruits should be harvested along with 5-7 cm stalk on full maturity because it is non-climacteric fruit
  • The yield from a plant population of 35,000-40,000 per hectare is about 40-50 tonnes.
  • The plant population of 43,000-50,000 per hectare normally varies between 50 and 60 tonnes.