About Lesson
Physiological disorders
a) Sunscald:
- The cells under the fruit skin of exposed surface to sunrays get damaged; care should be taken to control lodging and fruit should be covered with dry straw or its own leaves during April- May.
b) Fasciation and multiple crowns:
- Multiple crowns may occur due to genetically factor as well as due to soil and environmental reasons.
- It is also due to excess Nitrogen.
- Fruits gets flattened and fascinated.
- In fertile virgin soil of warm areas, more abnormal fruits occur as compared to less fertile soil.
c) Black heart:
- It is also known as endogenous brown spot or internal browning, formation of brown spots at the base of fruitlets and further black discoloration of the center core.
- Low temperature or exogenous application of GA3 can induce this disorder.
- A fruit exposed to high temperature (40°C) for 24 hours reduces black heart in cold stored pineapple.