About Lesson
Postharvest handling
- Harvested fruits are carried individually by holding the stalk, and are generally loaded into bullock-carts or push-carts and transported to nearby town or village markets for retail sales, or wholesale to visiting tradesmen from larger towns.
- For quality maintenance, careful handling and packaging to avoid bruising during transport and storage. For efficient marketing and utilization of the fruits, harvested fruits should be stored according to the stage of maturity and ripeness.
- Fruits should also be graded according to size, large fruits weighing over 16 kg, medium fruits weighing between 8-16 kg and small fruits below 8 kg.
- For quality maintenance, careful handling and packaging to avoid bruising during transport and storage.
- Jackfruit has a storage life of three to ten days depending on the maturity, ambient temperature and relative humidity (RH) conditions.
- Jackfruit is not normally stored in cold storage.
- 11-13° C 85-90% RH is the optimum for storing jackfruit.