About Lesson
- a) European cultivars: Green cage, Early transparent cage, Stanley and Ruth Gestener.
- b) Japanese cultivars: Methley, Mariposa, Kelsey, Santa Rosa, Satsuma, Formusa.
Propagation and rootstock
a) Propagation
- Cleft grafting
- Tongue grafting: February
- Shield budding: April- May
- Chip budding: February
- Some plum varieties are propagated by hard wood cutting (100 ppm IBA)
b) Root stock
- Seedling root stocks: seedlings of peach, plum, wild apricot are used for root stock purpose
- For heavy soil root stock of apricot and plum is suitable
- Kabul green cage root stock is suitable for planting in heavy and wet soils
- Myrobalan B Plum (Prunus cerasifera) is widely used for root stock purpose which is compatible with Japanese plum cultivars
- One year old grafted plum is transplanted in main field during dormant season
- European plums: 2 years old are ready for transplanting
- Planting distance:5-6m