About Lesson
Training and pruning
- Can be done by Modified leader system
a) Training in first year:
- Headed back to the height of 90-100 cm at the time of planting in the field
- All the branches on the plants are also cut back to two buds
- After 3-4 weeks, plant develops many branches
- 4-5 laterals which are well-oriented around the trunk, are selected as main scaffold branches and all other branches are removed
- The lowest branch should not be below 40-50 cm
b) Training in second year:
- Many new branches develop on the selected primary branches.
- The leader of the plant also grows in the height and some side branches are developed on it
- Select 3-4 more well placed branches on the central branch and remove all others
- Very little pruning is done in second year
- The branches which are crowding in the center or interfering with each other are removed
- The dominance of the central leader is maintained and no lateral is allowed to outgrow the other
c) Training in third year:
- The leader in the third year should be suppressed by cutting it back to a suitable lateral
- The leader is restricted in the vertical growth
Harvesting and storage
- Fruiting: Fruiting after 3 yrs of age to 20 yrs
- Yield: 7-800 fruit per tree (100-150 kg)
- Precooling- 40 to 45 hrs
- Storability: less than five days in ambient condition