Course Content
Cultivation practices of Apricot( Prunus armeniaca)
Cultivation practices of Kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa)
Learn Fruit and Plantation Crop Production with Rahul
About Lesson


A) Based on chilling requirement:

a) High chilling (>1000 hrs): Red Delicious, Royal Delicious, Starking Delicious, Golden delicious, Rome beauty, Mcintosh, etc.

b) Mid chilling ( 600-1000 hrs): Crispin, Red June, Cox’s organge pippin, King of pippin.

c) Low chilling (400-600 hrs): Naomi, Anna, Winter banana, Tropical beauty, Beaverly hills, Michal, Vered, etc.



B) Based on season:

a) Early varieties (July): Red June, King of Pippin, Benoni, Fanny, Beauty of Bath, etc,

b) Mid season varieties ( August): Red delicious, Starking, Golden Delicious, Baldwin, Jonathon, Cox’s Orange Pippin, Mcintosh, Winter Banana, Rome beauty, etc.

c) Late varieties (September-October): Granny smith, Yellow Newton. Ambri, Tropical beauty, Rymer, Ben Davis, Cortland, etc.


C)Based on Chromosome number:

a) Diplod ( 2x=34): All delicious, Jonathon, Rome Beauty, Anna, Alexander, Golden delicious, Gala, Mcintosh, Cardinal, Crimson gold, Early harvest, Pink beauty, Red Canada, Red Flesh, Summer Scarlet, Sun Gold, etc.

b) Triploid ( 3x=51): Cox’s organg pippin, Baldwin, Beauty of Bath, red June, winter Banana, Winesap, Boskoop, Stayman, Arkansas, Brahmley’s Seedlings, etc.

Polarizer Varieties: Sanburry, Mcintosh, Red June, Winter Banana, Red Gold, Crab Apple, Buckingham, etc.