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Viral disease of banana
a) Bunchy top virus – Pentalonia nigronervosa.
- Transmitted by Aphid Pentalonia nigronervosa
- Infected plants show short and narrow leaves together at the top of the pseudo stem to form a bunch, hence this disease is known as ‘Bunchy top’.
- The margins of leaves become wavy in advance stage of infection and roll upward.
- Remove all the affected plants along with complete rhizome, planting of virus free suckers.
- Control of banana aphid – spray 0.3% Rogar or Phosphomidon, Monocrotophos – 0.05% spray.
b) Banana bract mosaic virus:
- transmitted by Aphis gossypii, Pentalonia nigronervosa.
- Recognized by conspicuous discolouration and necrotic streaks that develops on the bracts of the male bud. Spindle shaped discolouration found on the pseudostem.
c) Banana Streak:
- Transmitted by citrus mealy bug – Planococcus citri
- Foliar symptoms resemble those of banana mosaic, especially in the early stages.
- Later, development of necrotic streaks.