About Lesson
Benefits of high-density planting
- High return per unit area due to more production of high value crops
- Low gestation period and high returns as compared to normal planting density
- Better adopted in areas where normal productive life of orchard is expected to be short. For example, a devastating problem of citrus decline usually appears after 10 years or tree age and HDP is good before decline starts
- Landlords, who have shock observing capacity due to low returns in the early period of orchard life, generally practice normal density orchards. But, HDP, is a package for the small landholders that can wait or effort only for 2/3 years’ time period
- Easy handling of plant protection equipment and also increases the degree of spray interception due to the efficient fungicidal and pesticidal application
- Facilitates more efficient use of fertilizers and waters due to the greater root densities per unit area
- Efficient use of light energy to chemical energy
- Effective control of weed growth and reduces the labor cost
- Annual pruning can be easily followed in HDP after crop harvest, which is essential for sustainability in regular productivity and remarkable control of diseases